
Whether it’s music, films, audiobooks or e-books – we protect what’s yours. Our proprietary product, mbargo, makes illegal downloads a thing of the past.

Online piracy represents a permanent threat to companies whose income is driven by digital media products. The unlicensed distribution of content and the millions of online downloads that go with it can cause companies to suffer tough financial difficulties.

With mbargo, Sonopress offers a service for all content providers looking to better protect their intellectual property from online piracy, regardless of whether that content involves music, audiobooks, e-books, films, games or software. Using a process developed specifically for each individual network, mbargo offers highly effective protection against the unlicensed distribution of copyright protected products that is currently rampant worldwide throughout each of these networks.

mbargo monitors these platforms even before a title’s scheduled release, engaging in active protection as soon as the first unlicensed copies are discovered.

mbargo’s technology purposefully and successfully prevents any further downloads of these files and stops that content being spread any further. In addition, mbargo generates metrics on piracy.

mbargo Monitoring delivers comprehensive statistical data. This makes it possible, for example, to make educated statements about which products are being offered online without a licence, how high demand is, how demand has developed and where this demand stems from. All data generated is compiled into regular reports.

I would be happy to advise you one on one!

Michael Melzer




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